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Dragon Eclipse

First dojo of Seishi Do. The Asian dragon is a symbol of honor, prosperity, fortune, power, good luck, wisdom and even Royalty. Our dragon eclipses the sun high in the afternoon sky. Brightly we shine high above—a symbol of a new ideal.

We are a new beginning to an old tradition. We focus on modern methods to teach traditional martial arts. Like the dragon, we strive to attain a sound body, mind and spirit, for the dragon represents the highest levels of all of these. Like others have sought, we are formless, dedicating ourselves to no style and allowing us to be free of all confinements to discover what we may accomplish. Tradition is beautiful and we try to maintain this beauty through opening/closing ceremonies and rank promotion.

Martial arts are both violent and beautiful. Anything martial is by definition violent and forceful, yet through its practice of form and choreography it can remain such a beautiful thing. MMA (mixed martial arts) has grown large in popularity, but like most great ideas it was somehow lost along the way. Most schools only practice MMA for sport, usually a combination of kickboxing and jujitsu. These schools usually only teach what works in the ring, but what works in the world we all know? MMA by its very name should incorporate any technique from any style that will benefit the student. It should be referred to as cage fighting plain and simple, MMA has its uses, however it does not fully do the term justice. Bruce Lee popularized the idea of MMA, but not as a sport, as a means of combat. He excluded only what he wished and incorporated whatever he desired because each martial artist should have his own style, unique to themselves. As he said, “…martial arts means honestly expressing yourself.” The Dragon Eclipse wishes to reestablish these ideals in our own honest way.
Sponsored by The Pasco Corn Maze at All Seasons on Road 68